All of Amnicon’s Summer Jobs Can Also Be Summer Internships!
Did you know that any of our summer jobs can be turned into an internship? It’s actually not that hard. We’ll work with you and your advisor to create a one-of-a-kind summer internship. When the internship is designed with you in mind, you know you’ll get the most out of it.
Past interns have majored in Environmental Sciences, Exercise Science, Outdoor Education, Outdoor Recreation Management, Philosophy, and even Criminology. We could easily adapt our summer jobs to create summer internships for students majoring in business management, nonprofit administration, social work, psychology, forestry, graphic design, accounting, marketing, and more. No matter what you major is, if you’re interested in working at Amnicon we can find a way to bring your studies into your job position.

How Does It Work? Summer Internships
Each summer internships is custom built to the intern. Every school has different requirements, and every major has a different focus. Amnicon values being flexible, and we’re willing to do whatever your school requires to create the summer internship position.
Usually it means that we’ll focus a portion of your work responsibilities on the tasks that most closely relate to your major. Are you an accounting major? Work on our Base Team, and we’ll hand off several accounting projects to you. Graphic Design? Help our Director of Outreach design next year’s publications! Social Work? Let’s get you working directly with youth from underprivileged backgrounds as a Wilderness Guide.
In addition to focusing your job responsibilities to suit your major, many schools also require summer interns to write weekly reflections or something similar. But that’s not too hard!

Set Yourself Up & Set Yourself Apart!
The whole point of a summer internships is to prepare you for life after graduation. You’ll learn valuable skills like leadership, resourcefulness, problem solving, effective communication, and more. We’ve had more than one summer staffer come back to tell us that their experience at Amnicon helped them feel like they could take on anything.
Working at a Wilderness Camp also sets you apart from all the other job candidates out there. You’ll have interesting stories to tell about overcoming obstacles, working as part of a team, and communicating with people from different backgrounds. You’ll have demonstrated a level of courage and confidence that will appeal to any employer.
Let’s Get Started!
1. Apply for a job. Click here to see the summer jobs we have available this year. Apply for the one that seems most appealing to you, and mention on your application that you’d like this position to be an internship.
2. Contact your advisor. Your school may have some requirements we need to fulfill in order to qualify as an internship location. Find out what they are, and let us know! Usually it’s a simple matter of completing some paperwork, and we’re happy to do that! We just need to know what to do.
3. Call Brad. Don’t feel shy about reaching out! We love hearing from prospective employees and interns. Set up an interview, ask your questions, and let him know what you need.