Plan a private birding getaway for yourself!
So you love bird watching? What if we told you that you could rent a charming private cabin that had access to a 500 acre migratory birding research area? It also connects to several hiles of beautiful hiking trails, a peaceful river, a half-mile long sandy beach on Lake Superior, and welcomes over 100 species of birds each year. When you rent one of Amnicon’s personal retreat cabins, you get all this and more! If you love bird watching, we would love to share this amazing place with you. And the advantage of renting a cabin is that you’re already here, so it’s easier to get out on the trails for the sunrise bird songs. Check it out!

500 Acres of Protected Wetlands
Your best bet for seeing lots of wildlife is to go where the water is. All living things need water, so it makes sense that the greatest areas of biodiversity are wetlands. At Amnicon we have four types of wetlands which have all been protected from development in a conservation easement. When you come to explore the beautiful, peaceful places here, you’ll be richly rewarded!

Over 100 Species of Birds
So far 118 species of birds have been identified at Amnicon. Everything from Bald Eagles and Trumpeter Swans down to Philadelphia Vireos and Cerulean Warblers. When you stay at Amnicon you have lots of opportunities to add to your lifetime bird-spotting list!

Beautiful Views
Along the Lake Trail and the Beaver Trail you’ll find excellent overlooks with sweeping views of Lake Superior. The Porcupine Trail and the Owl Trial offer beautiful views of the Amnicon River Valley. Sitting in your cabin, you’re surrounded by peaceful forests. When beauty surrounds you, peace fills you.

Experience the Peace of the Wilderness
Everyone needs to get out of the bustling city and away form the pressures of everyday life from time to time. Here, you can enjoy true peace and tranquility. Often the only sounds you hear are the wind in the trees, the waves on The Lake, and the songs of the birds. At Amnicon you have space to breathe and time to rest.

From the Comforts of Your Own Private Cabin
Our smaller cabins, Sunrise & Sunset, are ideal for enjoying this experience by yourself or with a loved one. Our larger cabin, Shalom, is a great way to enjoy time in nature with your whole family.